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Kevin Fowler Performs "If I Could Make a Livin' Drinkin'" on The Texas Music scene
106K 214 1 05:03
Kevin Fowler Performs "If I Could Make a Livin' Drinkin'" on The Texas Music scene
  • Published_at:2014-08-27
  • Category:Music
  • Channel:The Texas Music Scene TV
  • tags:
  • description: From The Texas Music Scene - - Kevin Fowler, long time friend of the show, checks in with our Whataburger Performance of the Week this week. You know Kevin is going to have a good ol' beer drinking song on his new record "How Country Are Ya?" This one is called "If I Could Make A Livin' Drinkin.'" Season 5 Episode 14 Connect to The Texas Music Scene: web: facebook: twitter: youtube: "The Texas Music Scene" is a TV series that currently airs throughout Texas. HELP US SPREAD TEXAS MUSIC ACROSS THE NATION! Contact your local broadcast stations and cable providers, and DEMAND THE TEXAS MUSIC SCENE!
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2014-10-09 106,575 214 1 (United Kingdom,#65)