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Star Wars: The Clone Wars Official Trailer
5.7M 262K 55K 02:42
Star Wars: The Clone Wars Official Trailer
  • Published_at:2018-07-19
  • Category:Entertainment
  • Channel:Star Wars
  • tags: Star Wars Star Wars: The Clone Wars The Clone Wars Lucasfilm Anakin Skywalker Obi-Wan Kenobi Ahsoka Tano Captain Rex Commander Cody Dave Filoni
  • description: Star Wars: The Clone Wars. Reporting in for another tour of duty. Visit Star Wars at Subscribe to Star Wars on YouTube at Like Star Wars on Facebook at Follow Star Wars on Twitter at Follow Star Wars on Instagram at Follow Star Wars on Tumblr at
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2018-07-21 3,128,263 189,164 42,141 (all,#2)  (Australia,#6)  (Canada,#5)  (Germany,#13)  (Mexico,#9)  (USA,#2) 
2018-07-22 4,276,509 227,454 49,823 (all,#16)  (Australia,#11)  (Canada,#7)  (Germany,#26)  (Mexico,#10)  (USA,#16) 
2018-07-23 4,651,419 243,632 52,599 (all,#26)  (Australia,#16)  (Canada,#21)  (Mexico,#10)  (USA,#26) 
2018-07-24 4,996,870 251,756 53,938 (Australia,#21)  (Mexico,#13) 
2018-07-25 5,231,033 256,628 54,740 (Mexico,#17) 
2018-07-26 5,399,219 259,947 55,423 (Mexico,#22) 
2018-07-27 5,672,148 262,105 55,778 (Mexico,#28)