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跟中東富豪油王遊香港, 了解香港人「窮一生」的原因和暴富秘訣 | Touring Hong Kong with Dubai Oil King - How to Get Rich FAST?
794K 18K 921 29:46
跟中東富豪油王遊香港, 了解香港人「窮一生」的原因和暴富秘訣 | Touring Hong Kong with Dubai Oil King - How to Get Rich FAST?
  • Published_at:2025-02-11
  • Category:People & Blogs
  • Channel:Torres Pit托哥
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  • description: 建設國際級無煙健康城市,讓市民和外國遊客更愛香港。 香港即將為下階段控煙措施進行立法工作,到香港吸煙與健康委員會網站了解即將落實的控煙政策: Say No to Tobacco! Build a Smoke-Free and a cleaner Hong Kong that local residents and foreigners love. Hong Kong is going to launch a more comprehensive no-smoking legislation for the next phase of tobacco control. Please visit COSH’s website for more information: Dubai Oil King Ali 地產菁英 Zac 看更多的 Zac ========================================== 加入我的會員頻道看更多精彩影片 「我的社交媒體課程」 你不可能錯過“Hook Remodelling” 我的生活頻道給你更多精彩影片 社交媒體策劃諮詢可電郵到 For social media consulting service, send email to Work with me: consistently looking for talent in Editing, Graphic Designing, Translating, Script Writing, Merchandising: (人才請你來信) ▎感謝你那麼好看還追蹤我!follow us on: My IG: Georgia IG: FB: 合作邀約:
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