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gareth.t - 孤單 (official video)
95K 5.7K 248 03:44
gareth.t - 孤單 (official video)
  • Published_at:2023-01-13
  • Category:Music
  • Channel:Gareth.T
  • tags: gareth.t gareth gareth t happy tears keung to anson lo mc ian ian chan blackpink bts gidle kaho hung warner music warner hong kong hk terence lam ive hins cheung mirror kanye west sam smith kim petras harry styles bizzarap quevedo one republic chris brown steve lacy bad bunny beyonce rosalia le sserafim newjeans zico crush charlie puth tyson yoshi 姜濤 crying sad sad music 90s aespa weibird eggplantegg eason chan
  • description: POPSTAR I GOT WHAT I WANTED 但我仲係覺得孤單 - 令山 2023 listen to the song ► follow me on ► instagram: Song Credit 作曲 Composition: 湯令山 Gareth.T, 林子祥 填詞 Lyrics: 湯令山 Gareth.T, 潘源良 編曲 Arranger: 湯令山 Gareth.T 監製 Producer: 湯令山 Gareth.T, 張軒培 Nicholas Cheung 混音 Mixing: Eugene Cheung 母帶製作 Mastering: Alex Psaroudakis 藝人及音樂製作 A&R: 張軒培 Nicholas Cheung 項目管理及藝人經理 project & artist manager: 張軒培 Nicholas Cheung, 陳灌樂 Justin Chan, 馬力 Malik Zain Ali Starring: Gareth.T @gareth_tong Side Casts: Tim Chan @502tc.m4a Oliver Cheng @oliverchy Sid22 @sid22___ Shammy Liu @5hamy Kaspy @ghost.x_19c Big Spoon @nicholascheung Kidd Sun @kiddsph J Au Yeung @j__auyeung Man Hoi Wai @mhw.yolo Funny Choi @funnychoi Vin @vinchownt Chad @fj722 Ambre @ambreauffret Angus @angusquintonpage Hang Lao @hanglao Karl Shum @lrak.m Kidd Sun @kiddsph Emmy Tam @enam.t Kat Fong Kalun @moooomin0013 JJ @ca11meJJ moto seanie @motoseanie 彬 @heukbun 驚跛思想主義者 西西 @sai_man_1007 肥文 @manisfat 千言 @chinyin_cantonese_opera Video Credit 導演 Director: THE BASTARDS (THE 11TH @the11thgram, J Au Yeung @j__auyeung) 監製 Producer: Funny Choi @funnychoi 攝影指導 Director of Photography: Hardy Yan @hardy_yan 燈光師 Gaffer: Ng Pak Yiu @npyiu 攝影及燈光組 Camera & Lighting Crew: Lai Ka Chun @dominiclai00, Ng Pak Hin @pak_hin, Ka Hei Lo @i_am_kahei 美術 Art Direction: kalin @kalinwww 道具 Props: Lee @lee_chan_wise , Sam 服裝設計 Stylist: Emmy Tam @enam.t 服裝助理 Stylist Assistant: Fong Bao @holungjeng_ 髮型及化妝 Makeup & Hair: Kidd Sun 剪接師 Editor: THE 11TH @the11thgram, J Au Yeung @j__auyeung 調色 Colorist: Eric Chan @ericcyc_ 攝影 Still Photographer: Cow10 @cow10_ 電腦特效 CG Artist: Tsz Wah @bichy0210 FPV: Jerry FPV 製作團隊 Production Team: Hang Lao @hanglao, Man Hoi Wai @mhw.yolo, Karl Shum @lrak.m 服裝鳴謝 Wardrobe Credit: Biker: @kowlooncityboy, footloose.tycoon News Reporter: @yat_pat, @_demo_official Jeans Look: @thoughtwefriends Accessories: @adulto_joven 特別銘謝 Special Thanks: @bengalbrothershk @doughbroshk Asiatic Records, under Warner Music Regional Asia, ℗ 2022 Warner Music Hong Kong Limited
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