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Stars Who Haven't Figured Out They Aren't Famous Anymore
4.7M 19K 6.0K 06:49
Stars Who Haven't Figured Out They Aren't Famous Anymore
  • Published_at:2016-10-22
  • Category:Education
  • Channel:Nicki Swift
  • tags: stars not famous famous stars stars washed up stars stars aren't famous anymore stars who aren't famous anymore celebrities not famous anymore celebrities who aren't famous anymore celebs who aren't famous anymore famous celebs famous celebrities unpopular celebs unpopular celebrities celebs who lost fame stars who lost fame celebrities who lost fame losing fame washed up celebs washed up celebrities stars who lost it all unpopular stars
  • description: If you're new, Subscribe! → In life, it's hard to know when enough is enough. The same, of course, can be said for the world celebrity. For some celebs, packing it in is unthinkable...even though more than a few fans wonder why some semi-famous faces don't just fade away. Here are a few of those washed-up stars who need to stop trying so hard... Hilary Duff | 0:18 Nick Cannon | 1:02 ​Aubrey O'Day | 1:45 Ashley Greene | 2:32 Camilla Belle | 3:02 Dianna Agron | 3:31 ​Nicole Scherzinger | 4:01 Olivia Culpo | 4:36 ​Lindsay Lohan | 5:00 ​Ashlee Simpson | 5:50 Read more here → Website → Like us → Follow us → Instagram → Pinterest → Nicki Swift is the top source for all the best dirt and juiciest gossip on the celebs you love...or love to hate. Want video lists of all the best celebrity secrets, reality show scandals, and stories behind the biggest Hollywood stars? Nicki has the answers. Want to know just who Nicki Swift is? There's only one way to find out...
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