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I Went Metal Detecting & Found Old Rusty Abandoned Safe… (Treasure Hunt Challenge)
183K 6.9K 2.3K 15:50
I Went Metal Detecting & Found Old Rusty Abandoned Safe… (Treasure Hunt Challenge)
  • Published_at:2019-02-17
  • Category:Entertainment
  • Channel:Killem
  • tags: killem tom stanniland metal detector detecting metal detecting metal detector treasure hunt treasure hunt treasure hunting found mystery mystery box lost luggage storage unit abandoned storage unit found this i found beach storage unit finds auction storage ebay luggage money abandoned safe safe opened safe filled with money scuba diving fails underground
  • description: WE'RE LIVE STREAMING RIGHT NOW ► YOU WON'T BELIEVE WHAT I FOUND WHILE TREASURE HUNT ADVENTURING WITH A METAL DETECTOR!! (Abandoned Lost Safe Treasure Chest Adventure filled with money found & opened) TWITCH ► Merchandise ► Second Channel ► Instagram ► I Went Metal Detecting Found Old Rusty Abandoned Safe Treasure Hunt Challenge ► I Played Nintendo Wii for 100 Hours Straight… watch this till the end (Gaming Challenge) ► I Followed a Random Car Until It Stopped & Ended up in… ► I Went Scuba Diving in My Car & It Destroyed It! (I Do Not Regret a Thing) ► I Spent the Night Trapped in a Straight Jacket & Could Not Escape (Straightjacket Challenge) ►
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2019-02-19 183,365 6,945 2,286 (United Kingdom,#10)