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Do I agree with the world?
4.6M 199K 8.9K 11:40
Do I agree with the world?
  • Published_at:2025-03-01
  • Category:Comedy
  • Channel:Ice Cream Sandwich
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  • description: Get NordVPN’s 2 year plan + 4 extra months free here: ( It’s risk free with NordVPN’s 30 day money back guarantee! Would you rather live through a zombie apocalypse or a robot one? Would you rather have no eyelashes or no finger nails? Would you rather have a watermelon head or a tennis ball head? These are the great and important questions of our time, and I tackle them here. But this raises the question, am I alone in my opinions? Or do I agree with everyone else? What does the world think?? This video answers that, and also this video has me in it which is awesome and cool and very interesting. Thank you for watching!!! TEAM: Produced in collaboration with Jellybox! Gene Goldstein: Executive Producer Laura Estrella: Director Sean Aitchison: Production Jane Mahoney: Production Brooke Burnett: Animator Kris Dobbins: Animator David Kalev-Roy: Animator Cris Mestre: Animator and me!: a whole bunch of stuff 📱 twitter: 📷 instagram:
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