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GTA 5 Funny Moments - Snowball Fights, Snowmen, Delivering Presents! (Christmas Edition)
4.1M 139K 9.2K 12:36
GTA 5 Funny Moments - Snowball Fights, Snowmen, Delivering Presents! (Christmas Edition)
  • Published_at:2015-12-25
  • Category:Gaming
  • Channel:VanossGaming
  • tags: GTA 5 Grand Theft 5 Grand Theft Auto V Funny Moments GTA 5 Online Montage video games gaming Vanoss VanossGaming Easter Egg Gameplay GTA 5 Gameplay Secret DLC Puncake Parody Glitches GTA 5 Glitch Glitch Comedy Remix Epic Trolling Xbox One Multiplayer PS4 Funtage yacht limo switch blade apartment houses new dlc snow snowing los santos christmas xmas christmas dlc snowball snow balls
  • description: Merry Christmas! :] NEW Vanoss Logo Shirts HERE: Friends in the vid: Nogla - H2O Delirious - Lui Calibre - Follow me on Twitter -!/VanossGaming Facebook Page - Instagram - Please Ignore or flag spam, negative, or hateful comments. We're here to have a good time. Thanks everyone, and enjoy :]
ranked in date views likes Comments ranked in country (#position)
2015-12-27 2,520,866 110,265 9,240 (Canada,#11) 
2015-12-28 3,474,573 128,157 4,747 (Australia,#22)  (Canada,#14) 
2015-12-29 4,131,435 139,021 5,938 (Australia,#26)