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10 Products Only CRAZY Cat People Would Get!
1.2M 88K 12K 24:00
10 Products Only CRAZY Cat People Would Get!
  • Published_at:2019-02-08
  • Category:Comedy
  • Channel:DOPE or NOPE
  • tags: cat pets pet products cute animals in real life shopping haul reacting to react 2019 unboxing comedy funny fun best irl reaction matthias dope or nope hi5 studios. amazon cool gadgets hilarious trending hacks life hacks cringe cringy unbox
  • description: Check out RØZE's channel! ➡ 10 Absurd Products Used Only By The Laziest People! ➡ We're back with a new (and potentially stranger than usual) episode! Let's be real... We all know at least one crazy cat person who seems to be more attached to their cats than other humans... and TODAY we're unboxing the weirdest cat products we could find that we think only the most INTENSE cat people would buy! Prepare yourself for some hilarious and cringy moments 🙂 TWITTER ➡ INSTAGRAM ➡ If you want to watch videos from Hi5 Studios, consider checking out these awesome videos by other channels in our network! Battle Universe ➡ Get Good Gaming ➡ REKT ➡ Fail Time ➡ Totally Trendy ➡
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2019-02-10 971,687 80,955 11,158 (all,#12)  (Canada,#17)  (United Kingdom,#16)  (USA,#12) 
2019-02-11 1,156,749 88,896 12,060 (all,#30)  (Canada,#24)  (USA,#30)