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A bottle of Jack Daniel's down in one.
2.4M 6.0K 1.8K 00:54
A bottle of Jack Daniel's down in one.
  • Published_at:2014-08-31
  • Category:People & Blogs
  • Channel:Will Williams
  • tags:
  • description: "Whiskey, like a beautiful woman, demands appreciation. You gaze first, then it's time to drink!" A 70cl bottle of Jack Daniel's down in 13 seconds. Will Williams Twitter: @wrjwms
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2014-09-08 1,828,439 4,818 1,382 (Australia,#33)  (Czech Republic,#24)  (Spain,#42)  (Ireland,#99)  (Italy,#69)  (Netherlands,#13)  (New Zealand,#97)  (Poland,#86)  (Sweden,#49) 
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