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牛肉絲意粉 - 諗起Heidi / Beef Ragu - Fap Thoughts
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牛肉絲意粉 - 諗起Heidi / Beef Ragu - Fap Thoughts
  • Published_at:2016-11-28
  • Category:Howto & Style
  • Channel:煮家男人 Bob's Your Uncle
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  • description: 天氣轉涼,今日就整一個好味,暖胃,飽肚嘅意粉。同埋有網友問男人打飛機嘅時候會諗起邊個呢?等我解答埋佢。 Tender and succulent Beef Ragu with Rigatoni. On today's topic we're going deep into a man's mind. Who do we think of when we masturbate. 四人份量 For four people: 牛肩肉700克 - 700g of beef chuck Rigatoni意粉400克 - 400g of rigatoni pasta 洋蔥半個 - half an onion 紅蘿蔔半條 - half a carrot 西芹1條 - 1 stick of celery 迷迭香2條 - 2 sprigs of rosemary 蒜3瓣 - 3 cloves of garlic 鹽2茶匙 - 2tsp of salt 黑胡椒粉2茶匙 - 2tsp of black pepper 百里香1茶匙 - 1tsp of thyme 番茄膏1湯匙 - 1tbsp of tomato puree 紅酒1杯 - 1 cup of red wine 罐裝番茄2罐 - 2 cans of plum tomatos 月桂葉2片 - 2 bay leaves 巴馬臣芝士 - Parmesan cheese
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