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Sleeping in the Most Dangerous Beds in the World
1.7M 31K 2.4K 20:48
Sleeping in the Most Dangerous Beds in the World
  • Published_at:2025-02-23
  • Category:Entertainment
  • Channel:Socks
  • tags: Socks Socksfor1 Hotels airbnb overnight in the world's most dangerous bed 24 hours world's most dangerous bed worlds most dangerous hotel the most dangerous hotel in the world most dangerous road in the world weird hotels hotel hotels weirdest hotels hotel tour overnight in the weirdest hotels capsule hotel hotel vlog hotel room gaming hotel pod hotel unique hotels hotel challenge weird camping most unique hotels in the world capsule hotel tour
  • description: I got a little bit bored so I decided to sleep in some of the most extreme beds around the world. One is a capsule hotel on the side of a cliff, another is the deepest bed in the world, and even one on the slide of the cliff lol New Merch SUBSCRIBE ---------------------------------------------------------------- follow me or I will eat your toes Instagram → Twitter → Reddit → Discord → Snapchat → ---------------------------------------------------------------- Business business? Work with me! Music →​ (Kevin MacLeod) (Epidemic)
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