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Coronavirus update: The latest COVID-19 news for Sunday 29 March | ABC News
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Coronavirus update: The latest COVID-19 news for Sunday 29 March | ABC News
  • Published_at:2020-03-28
  • Category:News & Politics
  • Channel:ABC News (Australia)
  • tags: Australia abc abc news news coronavirus coronavirus australia australia coronavirus covid 19 covid-19 covid-19 virus covid-19 updates coronavirus cases coronavirus death toll coronavirus covid 19 coronavirus nsw coronavirus covid 19 cases news update covid-19 australia social distancing number of cases in australia cruise ships covid-19
  • description: The number of coronavirus cases in Australia has passed 3,600 as tough quarantine measures for international travellers come into force. There are now a total of 3,640 confirmed cases, and 14 deaths from the virus. New South Wales remains, by far, the highest number of cases with a total of 1,617. There are concerns the numbers could increase even more with thousands of travellers expected to arrive at airports today. In this update: 0:20 There is now a total of 3,640 confirmed cases in Australia. 1:42 Tough new quarantine restrictions are now in place for all travellers arriving into Australia. 4:04 Many Victorian beaches are now closed, but there are mixed messages between councils. 6:10 Victoria's chief health officer slams the behaviour of some Victorians in a post on Twitter. 7:05 The Government announces another $1.1 billion will be injected into health and social support funding. 7:57 New Zealand passengers on the Artania cruise ships, docked at Fremantle Port in WA, have been transferred for flights back to NZ. 8:19 More cases of coronavirus confirmed in Tasmania overnight. 8:44 Donald Trump considers closing the entire state of New York. 9:29 Italian deaths from coronavirus past 10,000. 9:49 Spanish authorities believe coronavirus cases are close to peak. 10:11 UK deaths from coronavirus rise above 1,000. 11:05 Indonesia's capital extends its state of emergency. Read more here: For more from ABC News, click here: You can watch more ABC News content on iview: Subscribe to us on YouTube: Go deeper on our ABC News In-depth channel: You can also like us on Facebook: Or follow us on Instagram: Or even on Twitter:
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