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What Really Happened at UFC 249 (Tony Ferguson vs Justin Gaethje)
388K 5.7K 2.5K 16:55
What Really Happened at UFC 249 (Tony Ferguson vs Justin Gaethje)
  • Published_at:2020-05-11
  • Category:Sports
  • Channel:TheWeasle
  • tags: ufc tony ferguson justin gaethje tony ferguson vs justin gaethje tony ferguson vs justin gaethje full fight tony ferguson vs justin gaethje highlights tony ferguson vs justin gaethje knockout justin gaethje vs tony ferguson justin gaethje vs tony ferguson highlights ferguson vs gaethje ferguson vs gaethje highlights tony vs gaethje tony vs justin tony ferguson highlights justin gaethje highlights gaethje justin gaethje vs tony ferguson breakdown
  • description: Here I will breakdown and analyze the shocking bout in Justin Gaethje vs Tony Ferguson. Where did Tony make his mistake? What were the tendencies? How did Gaethje get so good? Feel free to help out the channel with more content: Follow me on Twitter:
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