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Startling Facts About the Government that Made Me Feel Good
156K 10K 972 03:42
Startling Facts About the Government that Made Me Feel Good
  • Published_at:2016-03-04
  • Category:People & Blogs
  • Channel:vlogbrothers
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  • description: The Federal Government burns through a lot of cash, but while it seems to me like most of that cash must go to the military, in fact most of it goes to making people's lives better and helping them live healthier, longer lives. SOME STATS FEDERAL EMPLOYEES Federal government, non military - 2.7 million Of those, more than 600,000 are postal service Around 95,000 work for the IRS Federal Government Contractors - Between 5 and 7 million (different ways of figuring this out yield very different numbers) Uniformed military - 1.4 million LOCAL AND STATE EMPLOYEES Local government, non-edu - More than 7 million (hard to keep track of.) Local EDU govt employees - More than 7 million. BUDGETS Federal government moneys not spent on social service - 1.1 trillion Local government spending - 1.8 trillion Local government spending on EDU - 620B Overall Government employment 12 Million or roughly 4% of Americans Including contractors it's around 18 million, or 6% The government's budget is around 24% of GDP ---- Subscribe to our newsletter! And join the community at Help transcribe videos - John's twitter - John's tumblr - Hank's twitter - Hank's tumblr -
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