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Raw Video: Isabella Guzman in court
47K 9 48 02:46
Raw Video: Isabella Guzman in court
  • Published_at:2013-09-05
  • Category:News & Politics
  • Channel:7NEWS and
  • tags:
  • description: 9/5/13 - Isabella Guzman appeared in court and learned she was facing a first-degree murder charge and two charges of crime of violence.
ranked in date views likes Comments ranked in country (#position)
2013-09-08 31,371 6 22 (South Korea,#36) 
2013-09-09 39,516 9 37 (South Korea,#47) 
2013-09-10 43,287 9 42 (South Korea,#56) 
2013-09-11 47,384 9 48 (South Korea,#89)