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Watch: Moment Holly Willoughby and Phil Schofield are booed by crowd at National Television Awards
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Watch: Moment Holly Willoughby and Phil Schofield are booed by crowd at National Television Awards
  • Published_at:2022-10-14
  • Category:News & Politics
  • Channel:Evening Standard
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  • description: Crowds at the National Television Awards booed as This Morning won the award for Daytime TV amid the backlash from queue-gate. The shows presenters Phillip Schofield and Holly Willoughby looked emotional as they walked up to the stage to collect the award. In his acceptance speech Phillip addressed the crowd, saying: "Please don't ever feel like we get complacent." "Thank you so much for everything," Holly added as she addressed the public at home. "You make our show for us, you really do." Subscribe to the Evening Standard: for latest breaking news from the UK, US and around the world, plus podcasts and features. Evening Standard on socials: Check out our full video catalog: Videos, daily editorial and more: Like us on Facebook: Follow us on Twitter: and Instagram:
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