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SIT | HOME ALONE | The Better Half | S4E15 | Chhavi Mittal | Karan V Grover
243K 15K 770 17:51
SIT | HOME ALONE | The Better Half | S4E15 | Chhavi Mittal | Karan V Grover
  • Published_at:2020-04-14
  • Category:Entertainment
  • Channel:Shitty Ideas Trending
  • tags: SIT Shitty Ideas Trending Filtercopy Filter Copy Dice Media Couple Cute Couple Husband Wife Comedy Buzzfeed Husband Wife Humour Funny Couple Video Chhavi Mittal Karan V Grover Rishi Rohini The Better Half Husband Wife Video Relationship Video What The Folks Dice Media Web Series SIT Web Series Sitcom Little Jahaan Chhavi Mittal Son Alone at Home Locked In The House Woman Alone In House
  • description: Stuck at home alone with a 10 month old baby cannot be easy. No chance of stepping out. Utilise your time while at home by choosing from a wide range of college, PG, executive and global MBA programs offered online by upGrad: Let your ambitions turn into success stories by choosing in Data, Management and Technology fields. #RahoAmbitious ____________________________________ Also participate in the contest to win FREE SIT MERCHANDISE! Do SHARE the video if you LIKE it, and leave us a COMMENT! Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE to Shitty Ideas Trending for a fun video every Tuesday & Thursday! Also subscribe to BE SAFE, a new endeavour by SIT. All about online crimes and how to safeguard yourself while on the internet. __________________________ ABOUT SIT: Shitty Ideas Trending is an endeavour to create entertaining videos which are not just funny but also hugely relatable. Husband wife comedy sketches, Web Series, relationship banter, couple humour, and even meaningful fictional short films every now and then. Whether you are glued to watching the cute and adorable husband Rishi with his wife Rohini, or the smart and suave Abhimanyu with his wife Meera, whether you love to watch the adorable yet eccentric maid Baby or are just addicted to little Jahaan’s smile, or maybe you like to get a dose of relationship tips from Abhimanyu or just want to avoid the mistakes that Rishi makes, SIT is the place for everybody who wishes to get a dose of entertainment when on the move. The videos are short and snackable and are for one and all. Ranging from THE BETTER HALF with Chhavi Mittal and Karan V Grover, PYAR KA PUNCH with Pracheen Chauhan and Pooja Gor, MAID IN HEAVEN with Shubhangi Litoria, or GRASS IS GREENER ON THE OTHER SIDE with a combination of Chhavi Mittal, Karan V Grover, Pracheen Chauhan, Pooja Gor, creator MOHIT HUSSEIN brings you a great mix of content. __________________________ CREDITS: Created By: MOHIT HUSSEIN Produced By: WORKSHOP INC Directed By: MOHIT HUSSEIN Written By: MOHIT HUSSEIN, CHHAVI MITTAL Creative Director: CHHAVI MITTAL Cast: CHHAVI MITTAL, SHUBHANGI LITORIA, POOJA GOR, KARAN V GROVER, PRACHEEN CHAUHAN, LITTLE ARHAM HUSSEIN Special Appearance: MOHIT HUSSEIN DOP: MOHIT HUSSEIN Social Media Head: CHHAVI MITTAL Chief Editor: ASHISH JHA Assistant Director: AREEZA HUSSEIN Special thanks to: GUNJAN UTREJA, KUNAL PANT Social Media Manager: PHANTOM WORDS Post Production: WORKSHOP INC POST FACILITY Location: CHHAVI & MOHIT’S RESIDENCE Equipment: VIDEO PLUS Music Credits: Aunt Tagonist - Silent Film Dark by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license ( Source: Artist: Tuba Waddle by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license ( Artist: ________________________________________ Follow SIT: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: FOR BUSINESS INQUIRIES: Visit us on ____________________________________________________ CHHAVI MITTAL: _______________________________________________________ MOHIT HUSSSEIN: _______________________________________________________ DISCLAIMER: THIS VIDEO WAS CREATED WITHOUT ANY CONTACT WITH ANYBODY OUTSIDE THE HOUSE. THIS VIDEO IS CREATED PURELY FOR ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES ONLY. THE CHARACTERS, DIALOGUES, SITUATIONS & OTHER THINGS ARE PURELY FICTIONAL. ANY RESEMBLANCE TO A PERSON LIVING OR DEAD IS PURELY COINCIDENTAL. THIS CHANNEL DOES NOT CLAIM TO BE FACTUAL OR POLITICALLY CORRECT AT ALL TIMES. THE CONTENT IS FICTIONAL AND MEANT ONLY FOR ENTERTAINMENT. ANY OFFENCE CAUSED IS SUBJECTIVE AND DEEPLY REGRETTED.
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2020-04-15 243,692 15,842 770 (India,#18)