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Analisis de BLACK OPS 2 MULTIJUGADOR Multiplayer Reveal Trailer - Official Call of Duty Video
- Published_at:2012-08-07
- Category:Gaming
- Channel:ELOpTicHECZ
- tags: Call, of, Duty, Black, Ops, II, COD, BO2, multiplayer, MULTIJUGADOR, MULTI, JUGADOR, video, nuketown, 2025, treyarch, activision, trailers, videos, preorder, bonus, nuketown2025, #blackops2, launch, djvahn, videogames, videogame, entertainment, software, optic, gaming, opticgaming, nation, mlg, sniper, rifle, revealed, ballista, osr, 50, osr50, analisis, en, español
- description: UN LIKE POR BLACK OPS 2??? Mi diseccion de el trailer de el multijugador de blackops 2, si tienen ideas o algo que quieran compartir conmigo porfavor dejenme un mensaje. tags: Call of Duty Black Ops II COD OPS BO2 multiplayer video nuketown 2025 treyarch activision cod trailers videos preorder bonus nuketown2025 #blackops2 black ops ii launch djvahn videogames videogame entertainment software optic gaming opticgaming nation mlg sniper rifle revealed ballista osr 50 osr50
ranked in date | views | likes | Comments | ranked in country (#position) |
2012-08-10 | 7,347 | 1,236 | 294 |
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