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Take on Helicopters - Start, Liftoff and Landing - Gameplay
133K 4.6K 1.2K 07:40
Take on Helicopters - Start, Liftoff and Landing - Gameplay
  • Published_at:2012-11-09
  • Category:Comedy
  • Channel:Robbaz
  • tags:
  • description: This might actually be the standalone map for Dayz! Like and Favorite! Facebook: Twitter:!/RobbazTube
ranked in date views likes Comments ranked in country (#position)
2012-11-11 62,035 3,454 804 (Australia,#76)  (United Kingdom,#80)  (Sweden,#11) 
2012-11-12 98,802 4,048 968 (Sweden,#15) 
2012-11-13 121,281 4,399 1,066 (Sweden,#28) 
2012-11-14 133,178 4,573 1,161 (Sweden,#68) 
2012-11-15 133,178 4,604 1,175 (Sweden,#78)