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On politics and the federal budget, 2011
74K 573 137 07:13
On politics and the federal budget, 2011
  • Published_at:2011-07-15
  • Category:Comedy
  • Channel:Yoram Bauman
  • tags:
  • description: My take on politics and the federal budget situation. Other videos and more at!
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2014-10-10 66,504 544 128 (all,#37)  (USA,#37) 
2014-10-11 68,840 552 130 (all,#47)  (USA,#47) 
2014-10-12 70,322 556 133 (all,#48)  (USA,#48) 
2014-10-13 71,546 563 133 (all,#53)  (USA,#53) 
2014-10-14 72,813 570 133 (all,#65)  (USA,#65) 
2014-10-15 73,713 572 136 (all,#70)  (USA,#70) 
2014-10-16 74,405 573 137 (all,#69)  (USA,#69)