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Apes Freaked Out When I Spoke Their Language
7.7M 356K 22K 14:33
Apes Freaked Out When I Spoke Their Language
  • Published_at:2025-02-27
  • Category:Entertainment
  • Channel:Xiaomanyc 小马在纽约
  • tags: xiaomanyc bonobo bonobos apes ape animals animal language lexigram ape sign language gorilla sign language kanzi animal sign language
  • description: Thanks to MyHeritage for sponsoring this video – go to and use coupon code XIAO for free shipping on your order! I spent weeks secretly studying ape communication and then I convinced these apes into thinking I was one of them. Bonobos are the closest living relatives of human beings, and while attempts have been made to teach them to use human language, it is very rare for human beings to try to communicate with bonobos on their terms using bonobo vocalizations and gestures, and so when I attempted to do this as an innocent visitor to this bonobo research center, the bonobos were genuinely shocked and we bonded pretty hard. I’m running this video as a fundraiser for Ape Initiative, a federally-recognized non-profit which is the world’s only bonobo research center. Bonobos are an endangered species and Ape Initiative works with scientists and educators to help understand bonobo behavior with an aim towards ensuring their preservation in the wild. Consider donating to the fundraiser if you can or visit their website at 0:00 Introduction 2:17 Where are we? 2:45 What are bonobos? 4:46 Making friends with a bonobo 6:26 Kanzi comes to play 7:45 They were shocked I knew how to do this 8:12 Kanzi uses his human language keyboard 9:23 Bonobos think I'm a bonobo 10:32 Showing my submissiveness 11:48 Scaring me with my back turned 13:01 Closing thoughts LEARN A FOREIGN LANGUAGE WITH MY METHOD! ✉️ Join my newsletter and discover how I pick up new languages quickly (and learn how you can do the same): 👉🏼 📚 Check out my Street-Smart Language courses: 👉🏼 Subscribe to my channel: Follow me on Instagram: Follow me on Facebook: If you guys like the music in my videos, you can check out all the AMAZING music Epidemic Sound has at my affiliate link here:
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