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WandaVision Episode 7: Every Easter Egg + Full BREAKDOWN
530K 18K 3.4K 19:21
WandaVision Episode 7: Every Easter Egg + Full BREAKDOWN
  • Published_at:2021-02-20
  • Category:Film & Animation
  • Channel:ScreenCrush
  • tags: wandavision easter eggs kathryn hahn monica wanda vision marvel mcu marvel cinematic easter eggs who is agatha harkness agnes villain screencrush wandavision wandavion episode 7 wandavision breakdown
  • description: Go to or text screencrush to 500 500 to get your free trial. WandaVision is in the endgame now with a HUGE series reveal. It turns out that Wanda, Vision, Monica, SWORD, Darcy, Jimmy--everyone--is being manipulated by Agatha Harkness. Who knows how deep this thing goes, your mom might even be involved. We breakdown every easter eggs, marvel reference, and clue that Agnes was behind everything, all along. Also, Kathryn Hahn is a national treasure. Marvel Cinematic Universe If you're new, Subscribe! → Go here → Like us → Follow us → Get our newsletter → Written and Hosted by Ryan Arey ( Edited by Katherine Woloson and Ryan Arey ( #WandaVision #Episode7 #EasterEggs
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