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Brad Mondo Reacts to my Hair | Charli D'Amelio
2.3M 159K 7.4K 09:54
Brad Mondo Reacts to my Hair | Charli D'Amelio
  • Published_at:2020-11-03
  • Category:People & Blogs
  • Channel:charli d'amelio
  • tags: charli charlie charli d'amelio charli damelio damelio d'amelio tik tok dixie damelio dixie d'amelio dixie tiktok exclusive marc d'amelio heidi d'amelio caifornia vlog charlie d'amelio charlie damelio get ready brad mondo brad mondo hair
  • description: hi everyone. i had brad mondo over to check out photos of all my old hair styles to tell me what he thought. after his reactions he gave me a transformation!! we had so much fun together and i can't wait for him to do my hair again. make sure you go over to brad's channel to watch my hair makeover!!! my socials: website: tiktok: instagram: youtube: add me on nap: follow brad: Instagram: youtube: #charlidamelio #bradmondo
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2020-11-05 2,316,087 159,768 7,368 (all,#24)  (USA,#24)