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Elephant speaks Korean
70K 36 26 00:22
Elephant speaks Korean
  • Published_at:2012-11-01
  • Category:Pets & Animals
  • Channel:Nature Newsteam
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  • description: Koshik, an elephant that speaks Korean, interacting with his trainer. This is what's being said: Koshik: "choah" (good) Trainer: "choah choah annyong" (good good hello) Koshik: "choah" (good) Trainer: "choah choah annyong" (good good hello) Koshik: "choah" (good) Trainer: "choah choah" (good good) Koshik: "choah" (good) Trainer: "annyong" (hello) Koshik: "choah" (good) Trainer: "annyong" (hello). Read more at: Credit: Stoeger et al., Current Biology
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2012-11-03 3,016 14 2 (South Korea,#26) 
2012-11-04 35,583 27 21 (Canada,#84)  (South Korea,#19) 
2012-11-05 58,231 33 23 (Canada,#67)  (South Korea,#44) 
2012-11-06 70,206 36 26 (South Korea,#73)