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16M 358K 26K 03:32
  • Published_at:2024-11-22
  • Category:People & Blogs
  • Channel:OfficialGDRAGON
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  • description: Listen to the single “HOME SWEET HOME (feat. TAEYANG & DAESUNG)". OUT NOW! 🎼 Stream: You say, It’s changed Show must go on, Behave 오랜만에 옛 노래해 I’m feelin’ like I never left (That’s right) I never left But you ain’t know, O.K then lights camera, Act like you know Don’t play on me no we’re Air B&B, You’re ‘Home-less’ 혼비백산-해진-미-장센 (mise-en-scène) 도레미파시도 (Now you know it) 두껍아 두껍아 Came with the troops 뜯고 맛보고 즐기고 big bang when I shoot ‘King’ in the Zoo, He gotta do what I do 1 of 1, not of them (mirror) Man in the ‘Views’ Aimin’ at you?! Yea, I’m aiming at a man & Amen achoo Bless you all ‘Cleaned house’ Foo Golden days are still alive 외롭다는 말하지 마 내가 있는 곳, 네가 있을 곳 The place that I belong  HOME SWEET HOME HOME SICK HOME Well I said, I would be back And I’d never let you go Pick a petal off a flower Daze you love me Nope? Well I said, I would be back And I’d never let you go Pick a petal off a flower Do you love me or (STOP!) Winner winner chicken killer, 삼계탕 dinner 하나 둘 set down (1, 2 step) ‘Fantastic’한 팀워크 Not mini, 많이. ‘More’ Rock, scissors, paper. ‘Toast’ This is how we do it just do it let’s do it y’all Work- work- 월화수목금토- 일 They gon’ wait til’ I’m gone So I came, I saw, I won ‘G just D’ Word is my bond 나 무대로 올라, Coup d’e shh 단숨에 호흡곤란, Hook catch this 아 ‘무제’ 도 몰라? Bull as shh Whatever?! ‘Now or Never’ Golden days are still alive 외롭다는 말하지 마 네가 있을 곳에 내가 있는 걸 The place that I belong   HOME SWEET HOME HOME SICK HOME Well I said, I would be back And I’d never let you go Pick a petal off a flower Daze you love me Nope? Well I said, I would be back And I’d never let you go Pick a petal off a flower Do you love me or (STOP!) We alike dead or alive, Your life? Still-life It’s so nice, I missed u a lot, You’re welcome Back home, Wherever you are We alike dead or alive, Your life is still with me Livin’ good-life, Day or Nights, The high-light, It’s about time to ‘ROCK-ON’ HOME SWEET HOME HOME SICK HOME Well I said, I would be back And I’d never let you go Pick a petal off a flower Daze you love me Nope? Well I said, I would be back And I’d never let you go Pick a petal off a flower Do you love me or (STOP!) #GDRAGON #TAEYANG #DAESUNG Official Audio by G-DRAGON - "HOME SWEET HOME (feat. TAEYANG & DAESUNG)" © 2024 Galaxy Corporation / EMPIRE
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