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Drawing Weird Australian Phrases (Feat. Draw with Jazza) (mate)
2.0M 88K 21K 13:06
Drawing Weird Australian Phrases (Feat. Draw with Jazza) (mate)
  • Published_at:2017-09-14
  • Category:Comedy
  • Channel:TheOdd1sOut
  • tags: Australia vidcon Jazza Draw with Jazza Collab vegimite food timtam aussie phrase occa barbie yabo bogan sheila grog dunny toilet drawing cartoon funny lol theoddonesout theoddiso
  • description: G'day mates, I'm 'ere drawing some Aussie phrases with my mate Jazza, mate. Jazza's mate video mate ➤ Jazza's mate (Channel) ➤ Mate Mate Mate Mate Mate Mate Mate Mate Mate Merch ➤ Twitter ➤
ranked in date views likes Comments ranked in country (#position)
2017-09-16 1,314,974 73,514 18,999 (all,#18)  (Australia,#22)  (USA,#18) 
2017-09-17 1,870,887 84,289 21,128 (Australia,#20)  (United Kingdom,#17) 
2017-09-18 2,044,716 88,396 16,927 (Australia,#25)