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I shaved my eyebrows so I can try EYEBROW TATTOOS
697K 46K 1.5K 17:39
I shaved my eyebrows so I can try EYEBROW TATTOOS
  • Published_at:2020-06-28
  • Category:Howto & Style
  • Channel:Naomi Jon
  • tags: eyebrow tattoos shaving my eyebrows off shaving my brows off testing eyebrow tattoos eyebrow wigs eyebrow review tattoos tattoo wigs wig hair fake hair beauty beauty fail shaving fail tik tok tik tok compilation funny tik tok cats cat videos cat compilation cat tik toks naomi and vincent naomi jon chili and taco unprofessional freckles hair dye beauty experiment testing weird testing weird beauty tools ebay testing ebay
  • description: WILL SHE EVER LEAVE HER EHBREHS ALON _______ SUBSCRIBE TO MY CHANNEL HERE: INSTAGRAM: TWITTER: TIK TOK: @naomijon SNAPCHAT: NaomijonSnap - Werbung - SHOP BUSINESS: ______ hope you have a great day lil broccoliiiis
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2020-06-30 550,066 40,692 1,389 (Germany,#9) 
2020-07-01 697,434 46,887 1,538 (Germany,#28)