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I Made my Dog out of Cotton Candy
478K 24K 2.9K 13:00
I Made my Dog out of Cotton Candy
  • Published_at:2020-03-07
  • Category:Entertainment
  • Channel:Gloom
  • tags: cotton candy cotton candy machine cotton candy maker candy how to edible real challenge candy food life hacks amazon funny try taste gloom gloomgames kassie 2020 twinkie diy gloom dog candy floss gloom tries
  • description: I ordered a cotton candy machine in hopes to make a giant edible cotton candy version aka sculpture of my dog. Did it actually work? You tell Kartha. SUBSCRIBE HERE: My INSTAGRAM: My TWITTER: My DISCORD SERVER (13 and up only): MERCH: WATCH MY HORRIBLE BITLIVES: My TIK TOK is @gloomdog, here's a link: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- I'm Kassie, also known as Gloom! I'm a variety gamer who does gameplay commentary on indie games and some bigger titles too. I also do silly sketches, challenges, Q&As, and whatever makes you goof balls giggle. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- I do my best to upload at a few times a week (unless my life is a mess).
ranked in date views likes Comments ranked in country (#position)
2020-03-09 478,624 24,582 2,872 (United Kingdom,#30)