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Sentinels vs Fnatic - HIGHLIGHTS | VCT Stage 2 Masters - Reykjavík
257K 5.4K 662 24:22
Sentinels vs Fnatic - HIGHLIGHTS | VCT Stage 2 Masters - Reykjavík
  • Published_at:2021-05-26
  • Category:Gaming
  • Channel:Daily VALORANT
  • tags: valorant sentinels valorant highlights valorant moment valorant tenz sen sentinels vct vct s2 masters vct stage 2 masters vct stage 2 iceland sentinels vs fnatic sen vs fnatic sen fnatic sen - fnatic sentinels fnatic sentinels - fnatic sen vs fnatic valorant na vs eu valorant vct iceland vct masters reykjavik valorant iceland valorant reykjavik tenz tenz valorant
  • description: #sentinels #senvsfnatic #vcticeland May 25 2021 VCT Stage 2 Masters - Reykjavík | sentinels vs fnatic ALL MAPS HIGHLIGHTS ►sen TenZ ShahZaM dapr zombs SicK ►Fnatic Derke Doma MAGNUM Mistic Boaster ►tournament: ►Contact: ►Credits: ►On our channel you can find best moments . that is the videos with all best valorant clips, highlights, clutch, ace, pro moments made by pro players of valorant scene such as zombs, subroza, bjor, jcstani, koler, asuna, genghsta, relyks, mitch, shinobi, vice, crashies, food, skadoodle, akis, calypso, kaboose, mummay, supamen, poised, laski, corey, zachareee, marved, rawkus, babybay, yaboidre, pride, valliate, venerated, patitek, ardiis, kryptix, l1nk, ec1s, soulcas, rhyme, crea, luckerrr, fearoth, hyp scream, tenz, mixwell, wardell, hiko, sinatraa, brax, dephh, pyth, shao, shahzam, fns, psalm, davidp, dapr, reltuc, hazed, azk, drone, sick and many others. Also you can find many matches of the most popular teams such as sentinels, tsm, liquid, g2, funplus phoenix, cloud9, faze, t1, 100thieves, dignitas, gen.g © This is our original video with our original content, many high quality edits and original creative ideas. We try our best to bring you the best and most unique videos, we hope you enjoy it! We spend 6-8 hours working on videos (search / filtering / editing) and showing the best game clips combined with creative and high-quality editing.VCT Stage 2: North America - Challengers 2
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2021-05-27 257,645 5,420 662 (Canada,#21)