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Ricer VS Police V90, XC70's, Transporters and more
323K 17K 1.7K 18:49
Ricer VS Police V90, XC70's, Transporters and more
  • Published_at:2020-09-21
  • Category:Entertainment
  • Channel:Critical
  • tags: Highway Stockholm Polis polisen biljakt polisjakt police police chase Honda civic type-r Ricer
  • description: We teased you with a GTR and now we give you a Honda Civic hahahahha! "RICER VS POLICE". The fastest front wheel drive car on Nurburgring. Music by @Blezz Beats ATTENTION: THIS IS A DOCUMENTARY. WE FOLLOW DRIVERS FROM THE UNDERGROUND CAR SCENE IN STOCKHOLM, SWEDEN. WE INSIST THAT NEITHER YOU OR ANYONE ELSE ATTEMPT TO RE-CREATE OR PERFORM ANYTHING YOU HAVE SEEN!
ranked in date views likes Comments ranked in country (#position)
2020-09-23 138,426 11,584 1,180 (Sweden,#18) 
2020-09-24 188,374 13,366 1,367 (Sweden,#16) 
2020-09-25 226,009 14,667 1,483 (Sweden,#20) 
2020-09-26 256,494 15,617 1,566 (Sweden,#20) 
2020-09-27 279,939 16,329 1,620 (Sweden,#18) 
2020-09-28 299,595 16,878 1,676 (Sweden,#21) 
2020-09-29 315,047 17,245 1,718 (Sweden,#24) 
2020-09-30 323,793 17,453 1,737 (Sweden,#26)