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Celebi with 20 Green Dragonballs in Pokemon TCG Pocket @TerminalMontage
9.3M 602K 2.4K 00:47
Celebi with 20 Green Dragonballs in Pokemon TCG Pocket @TerminalMontage
  • Published_at:2025-02-16
  • Category:Gaming
  • Channel:TerminalMontage
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  • description: Of course you opponent's coinflips get heads. OF COURSE. Watch the full video here Animatic, Animation, Backgrounds, Character Design, Coloring, Editing, Lineart, Lighting, Sound Design, VisualFX, Writing By Jeremey Chinshue Music: Pokémon Card GB2 - Great Rocket Leader Battle (CPS-2 Remix) By TheLegendOfRenegade For advertising email: TERMINALMONTAGE® SOMETHING ABOUT® SOMETHING SERIES® Registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. © TERMINALMONTAGE LLC. All Rights Reserved. For additional legal information, please see: #Pokemon #PokemonTCGPocket #PokemonTCG #SomethingSeries #TerminalMontage #Gaming #animation #shorts #Dragonball
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2025-02-18 2,085,822 214,019 1,229 (Spain,#29) 
2025-02-19 3,409,406 302,112 1,500 (Spain,#33)  (Hong Kong,#26)  (Italy,#53)  (Taiwan,#11) 
2025-02-20 4,214,236 352,891 1,662 (Spain,#46)  (Hong Kong,#19)  (Italy,#62)  (Taiwan,#13) 
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