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Giant McFlurry!! (20x normal McDonald's size)
2.0M 108K 6.9K 08:37
Giant McFlurry!! (20x normal McDonald's size)
  • Published_at:2021-05-29
  • Category:Entertainment
  • Channel:Matt Stonie
  • tags: Matt Stonie Megatoad Competitive Eating Food Challenge Speed Eating Eating Challenge McDonalds McFlurry Ice Cream Summer Sugar Sugar Challenge Sweet Sweet Challenge Ice Cream Challenge Brainfreeze Fast Food McDonalds Challenge M&M's Candy
  • description: Download Monster Legends today using this link and get 70k worth of food for free! And don't miss your chance to win $1,000 by getting the Matt Stonie Monster and leveling it up to level 10! Open to legal residents of the Eligible Countries. Must be at 18+. Sweepstakes begins at 11:00:00 (UTC) on May 28th, 2021, and ends at 10:59:59 (UTC) on June 7th, 2021 (inclusive). Void where prohibited. Subject to T&Cs: Video Sponsored By: Monster Legends The World's Largest McFlurry!! Potentially... I googled it and found no contenders, so I'm not 100% sure... but this one is PRETTY BIG Either way, summers coming and M&M McFlurry's are bomb, so why not eat a GIANT one!! ENJOY!!! Follow me on Social! FACEBOOK - TWITTER - INSTAGRAM - TWITCH - WEBSITE - MERCH - Mailing Address: P.O. Box 46908 Las Vegas, NV 89102 Credits: Music and Sound Effects from Video CoPilot's "Proscores" & "Design Studio FX" Music from Epidemic Sounds
ranked in date views likes Comments ranked in country (#position)
2021-05-30 905,546 66,621 5,342 (all,#12)  (United Kingdom,#17)  (USA,#12) 
2021-05-31 1,950,144 108,670 6,946 (all,#25)  (USA,#25)