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A Product So Good, It Will Last a Lifetime!  | Dragons' Den
207K 2.1K 724 10:52
A Product So Good, It Will Last a Lifetime! | Dragons' Den
  • Published_at:2019-07-10
  • Category:Entertainment
  • Channel:Dragons' Den
  • tags: dragon's den dragon's den uk evan davis deborah meaden peter jones touker suleyman tej lalvani business pitching entrepreneur game show shark tank dragons den best bits new worst pitches funniest moments most shocking ideas products businesses dragons den funny dragons den 2018 dragons den season 16 dragons den best pitch peter jones dragons den peter jones angry jenny campbell dragons den investment jenny campbell actually invested Series 17 2019 New ep
  • description: Showbiz entrepreneurs Danielle Barnet, Singer of the ’90’s classic ‘The Key, The Secret’, and band engineer David Holmes, entered the Den to a guitar performance and were quickly off to a ‘rocking’ start with their pitch for their fiber-optic guitar lead business - LightLead. However, Peter Jones seemed unconvinced at the company’s ability to generate repeat sales: “If this lead lasts a lifetime, then you’re not going to get any repeat business – have you thought about that?” An international sensation, Dragon's Den features entrepreneurs pitching for investment in the Den from our Dragons, five venture capitalists willing to invest their own money in exchange for equity. #DragonsDen #ColdPlay #LifeLine
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2019-07-12 207,522 2,099 724 (United Kingdom,#11)