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Saucy Santana - Walk [Official Music Video]
488K 34K 8.9K 02:30
Saucy Santana - Walk [Official Music Video]
  • Published_at:2021-06-13
  • Category:Music
  • Channel:Saucy Santana
  • tags: Santana Rap Atlanta Atlanta Rap Music LGBT Music Saucy City Girls Twerk Summer Music Up tempo SaucySantana Saucie Santa Saucy Santana LGBT gay rapper twerk club music New rap music Florida Rapper Mulatto megan thee stallion doja cat nicki minaj cardi b Female Rap Offical video offical music video Fashion Catwalk Models Fashion model song
  • description: The official music video for Saucy Santana's hit song, Walk. Stream the song here: Shot by Des Gray Filmed in Georgia: Thank you to
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2021-06-15 488,190 34,536 8,920 (all,#12)  (USA,#12)