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Is The Penny *Finally* Dead?
1.9M 119K 129 05:13
Is The Penny *Finally* Dead?
  • Published_at:2025-02-17
  • Category:Entertainment
  • Channel:CGP Grey
  • tags: cgpgrey education
  • description: - Thank you, Bonnie Bees, for making this video possible: ## Related Videos: What is Federal Land? ## Bonnie Bees: 💚 The Wall of 1,000 Thanks: 🎩🐤🎩 And the 100 Top Chickens: - Rebecca Wortham - Bob Kunz - Kate Scheper - Donal Botkin - BN-12 - David White - Andrea Di Biagio - George Lin - Nancy Flores - iulus - Xueqi - Tim Stumbaugh - Bogdan Toma - Brian Tillman - Chad Bramwell - Nicolas Dedual - Nicholas Welna - Richard Jenkins - Martin - Chris - Meekay - سليمان العقل - Jason Lewandowski - Manuel O. Maldonado - Norm - rictic - Silvainius - Derek Bonner - Eliri SDH - Freddi Hørlyck - Peter-Claire Lomax - Vero - John Lee - Maxime Zielony - John Rogers ## Music David Rees:
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