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Puyal Galatta | Madrasi | cyclone | Galatta Guru | Galatta
164K 13K 463 11:28
Puyal Galatta | Madrasi | cyclone | Galatta Guru | Galatta
  • Published_at:2020-12-12
  • Category:Comedy
  • Channel:Madrasi
  • tags: Puyal Galatta nivar cyclone cyclone nivar nivar cyclone tamil cyclone nivar live nivar cyclone chennai nivar cyclone in tamil chennai cyclone nivar cyclone nivar route nivar cyclone status puravi puyal puravi cyclone Galatta Guru cyclone comedy nivar puyal comedy madrasi madrasi galatta madrasi puyal galatta cyclone nivar speed kudikaran after marriage tiktok ban moj reels nivar cyclone in tamil nadu madrasi channel madrasi galatta guru
  • description: Register on Binomo and get free 1000 $ to your demo account: #Madrasi #GalattaGuru #Cyclone #Puyal In this video, We going to see a guy who enjoying the cyclone moments & making fun on the cyclone time!!! Prank Boss 1st video link 👇🏻 ________________________________________________ Killadies Youtube channel link👇🏻 Plz subscribe and support our channel Miss Madrasi YouTube channel link👇🏻 Plz subscribe and support our channel Madrasi Talkies YouTube channel link👇🏻 Plz subscribe and support our channel ________________________________________________ In Association with DIVO - Digital Partner Website - Instagram - Facebook - Twitter -
ranked in date views likes Comments ranked in country (#position)
2020-12-13 164,651 13,585 463 (India,#21)