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I Bought World‘s Weirdest Dumbbell
2.6M 212K 228 01:01
I Bought World‘s Weirdest Dumbbell
  • Published_at:2024-02-16
  • Category:Entertainment
  • Channel:Browney
  • tags: browney guy in the blue shirt body transformation workout challenge viral fitness Barbell Dumbbell Expensive Weird
  • description: I Bought World‘s Weirdest Dumbbell #shorts Download our app and start your own 90-Day Challenge 🔥💪 Appstore: Playstore: I just bought world’s weirdest dumbbell. For $100 they claim you can transform them into anything. So I got them. And the moment we unboxed them, box one is open, alright! Look at this We realised quite fast that… There’s a lot more. Kettlebell Barbell
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