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Giant wave takes out guy 😱
9.9M 80K 902 00:15
Giant wave takes out guy 😱
  • Published_at:2023-06-04
  • Category:People & Blogs
  • Channel:Newsflare
  • tags: water beach travel tourist run wave sara ocean record knocked giant phone bali hands knocks partner runs washes failsandfunnies sara's Newsflare news videos news today journalism hard news worldwide latest news latest videos viral videos viral fail videos crashes stunts amazing animal attack world record news flare
  • description: Please watch: "Killer Whales In The WILD - TOP 28 Orca Encounters" --~-- Sara and her partner are at a beach in Bali. Sara's partner hands her the phone so that she can record him run into the ocean. Unfortunately, right as he runs into the water, a giant wave washes over him and knocks him down. This footage is being managed exclusively by Newsflare. To license this video email or call: +44 (0) 203 937 6280 Clip ID: 559054 Subscribe to NewsflareBreaking: Facebook Twitter Register now to upload your videos Visit to find out more.
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