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They Thought It Was Funny Until They Saw How He Cleaned It! #shorts
20M 411K 239 00:24
They Thought It Was Funny Until They Saw How He Cleaned It! #shorts
  • Published_at:2025-02-07
  • Category:People & Blogs
  • Channel:Fabiosa Animated
  • tags: Fabiosa Fabiosa Animated karma memes funny tik tok shorts tiktok funny video meme try not to laugh unusual memes funny videos failarmy try not to laugh impossible funny shorts funny animal videos funny memes viral fails funny moments try not to laugh challenge meme compilation unusual videos memes compilation funny fails viral shorts you laugh you lose rewind epic fails comedy shorts ylyl yt shorts dank memes airpods
  • description: At school, a group of girls kept leaving lipstick marks on the bathroom mirror, frustrating the janitor. Tired of constantly cleaning up after them, he and the principal decided to teach them a lesson. Right in front of them, he dipped his mop into the toilet and used that water to clean the mirror! The girls’ reactions? Priceless! 😳😂 #FunnyLesson #JanitorRevenge #SchoolPrank #LipstickFails #ShockingMoment #Karma #YouWon’tBelieveThis #MustWatch #Shorts
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2025-02-14 11,071,428 206,428 129 (Israel,#24) 
2025-02-15 13,830,091 261,074 157 (Israel,#20) 
2025-02-16 15,078,258 289,052 169 (Israel,#27) 
2025-02-17 16,055,228 311,582 182 (Israel,#30) 
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2025-02-24 18,855,444 375,129 208 (Israel,#58) 
2025-02-25 19,015,917 378,365 211 (Israel,#64) 
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2025-02-28 19,646,199 389,774 223 (Israel,#77) 
2025-03-01 20,072,998 397,393 228 (Israel,#82) 
2025-03-02 20,350,524 402,833 231 (Israel,#85) 
2025-03-03 20,699,989 407,842 237 (Israel,#92) 
2025-03-04 20,987,449 411,511 239 (Israel,#94)