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The FASTEST Grand Mac Meal Ever Eaten (under 1 Minute!!)
3.7M 112K 16K 08:06
The FASTEST Grand Mac Meal Ever Eaten (under 1 Minute!!)
  • Published_at:2018-03-10
  • Category:Entertainment
  • Channel:Matt Stonie
  • tags: Matt Stonie Megatoad Competitive Eating Food Challenge Speed Eating Eating Challenge Grand Mac Grand Big Mac Grand Mac Challenge Grand Big Mac Challenge McDonalds McDonalds Challenge Fast Food Challenge
  • description: Happy Meal Video! -- Good Video? Like/Fav & Share!! Following the footsteps of the challenge I did years back, I've grown up and graduated from a Happy Meal to a Grand Big Mac Meal!!! Just seemed like a fun idea, and I've seen a decent amount of requests to do Grand Big Macs!! ENJOY!!! Follow me on Social! FACEBOOK - TWITTER - INSTAGRAM - TWITCH - MERCH - Mailing Address: P.O. Box 22210 San Jose, CA 95151 Business Credits: Royalty Free Music by
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2018-03-11 1,299,772 60,153 6,114 (all,#3)  (Canada,#25)  (USA,#3) 
2018-03-12 2,737,262 92,359 12,757 (all,#2)  (Australia,#15)  (Canada,#14)  (USA,#2) 
2018-03-13 3,283,959 103,862 14,603 (all,#7)  (Australia,#12)  (Canada,#20)  (Sweden,#26)  (USA,#7) 
2018-03-14 3,572,059 109,554 15,854 (all,#7)  (Australia,#12)  (Canada,#20)  (Sweden,#26)  (USA,#7) 
2018-03-15 3,702,493 112,620 16,351 (Australia,#20)