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Red Chair Story Talks Cannibals & Lesbians! | The Graham Norton Show
399K 3.1K 192 01:30
Red Chair Story Talks Cannibals & Lesbians! | The Graham Norton Show
  • Published_at:2017-04-28
  • Category:Entertainment
  • Channel:The Graham Norton Show
  • tags: Graham Norton Graham Norton Show Official Entertainment Chat Show graham norton full graham norton 2017 graham norton news clips graham norton clips graham norton full ep graham norton full episode goldie hawn amy schumer snatched comedy orlando bloom john boyega red chair red chair story
  • description: What an awkward geography lesson. Subscribe for weekly updates:
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2017-04-30 160,744 1,796 124 (Ireland,#4) 
2017-05-01 263,597 2,176 158 (Ireland,#1) 
2017-05-02 304,242 2,426 135 (Ireland,#1) 
2017-05-03 327,263 2,591 149 (Ireland,#1) 
2017-05-04 342,568 2,715 153 (Ireland,#1) 
2017-05-05 356,789 2,821 156 (Ireland,#2) 
2017-05-06 366,480 2,895 161 (Ireland,#4) 
2017-05-07 374,981 2,951 164 (Ireland,#4) 
2017-05-08 381,768 3,011 181 (Ireland,#5) 
2017-05-09 385,821 3,055 185 (Ireland,#6) 
2017-05-10 389,830 3,075 187 (Ireland,#9) 
2017-05-11 393,726 3,089 189 (Ireland,#12) 
2017-05-12 396,573 3,103 192 (Ireland,#17) 
2017-05-13 399,752 3,112 191 (Ireland,#27)