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White guy calls Philippine contact center in Tagalog - BPO MUST WATCH!
202K 1.2K 199 04:09
White guy calls Philippine contact center in Tagalog - BPO MUST WATCH!
  • Published_at:2014-09-23
  • Category:People & Blogs
  • Channel:maputingcooking
  • tags:
  • description: What happens when Chris Urbano, Tagalog speaking Aussie host of Maputing Cooking, calls up Aussie businesses with BPO ops in the Philippines? It’s the phone call you’d LEAST expect and a MUST WATCH for anyone who’s ever been a call centre agent in Manila – watch as Urbano tries to wrangle a discount on his banking services, apply for a job, and is eventually busted by one savvy agent with a great memory for voices… Don't forget to subscribe Head to for more about Urbano
ranked in date views likes Comments ranked in country (#position)
2014-10-04 159,516 942 147 (Canada,#98)  (Japan,#49) 
2014-10-05 185,060 1,070 174 (Canada,#98)  (Japan,#48) 
2014-10-06 202,630 1,153 199 (Japan,#48)