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Most Expensive Works of Art Destroyed By Tourists
425K 10K 1.1K 11:33
Most Expensive Works of Art Destroyed By Tourists
  • Published_at:2020-01-18
  • Category:Education
  • Channel:The Infographics Show
  • tags: tourism tourist art museum work of art priceless art destruction Rome Egypt China news world news greek sculpture museum british chinese tourist american tourist selfie selfie fails fail travel damage millions worth millions
  • description: Tourists have done some stupid things while trying to get that ultimate selfie in front of a priceless work of art. In today's amazing funny video we're looking at some of the most expensive disasters caused by ignorant tourists. Imagine the fine you'd get for carving your name into the Colosseum! Check out my new channel I Am: 🔔 SUBSCRIBE TO THE INFOGRAPHICS SHOW ► 🔖 MY SOCIAL PAGES DISCORD ► Facebook ► Twitter ► 💭 SUGGEST A TOPIC 📝 SOURCES: All videos are based on publicly available information unless otherwise noted.
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2020-01-20 425,019 10,882 1,135 (all,#29)  (Canada,#29)  (USA,#29)