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It was Rajdeep Sardesai who provoked and started the fight at Madison Square. See it yourself!
161K 565 173 00:52
It was Rajdeep Sardesai who provoked and started the fight at Madison Square. See it yourself!
  • Published_at:2014-09-29
  • Category:News & Politics
  • Channel:The Fearsome Indian
  • tags:
  • description: Please see the full video of what actually happened at Madison Square Gardens. He is provoking the crowd first. He then first calls someone an A%$hole. The person says 'you are an A$%hole TOO. Rajdeep then lunges at the man and pushes him, and now RAJDEEP is whining that HE has been abused! Oh, the stinking liar! Please share widely so people know the truth.
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