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COP APPROACHES me while mowing DESERTED HOME and tells me THIS
426K 33K 2.5K 35:42
COP APPROACHES me while mowing DESERTED HOME and tells me THIS
  • Published_at:2023-10-27
  • Category:People & Blogs
  • Channel:SB Mowing
  • tags: SB Mowing SBMowing Wichita Lawn Care Wichita Lawn Service 67235 Lawn Care Kansas Lawn Care Spencer Mowing Spencer Lawn Care Spencer Lawn Service Spencer Free Lawn Care Spencer Free Mowing SB Free Mowing SB Free Lawn Spencer Lawn SB Pressure Washing SB Power Washing Overgrown lawn tall lawn being cut overgrown edging edging lawn S&B Mowing S&B Lawn Care
  • description: This house had citations all over the front door and the yard was getting out of control. I thought it was going to be a quick job until I found the patio underneath the back lawn that took me quite a while to uncover with my shovel. It was a super satisfying reveal and in the middle of doing the work a cop pulled up to the house to tell me this... ------------------------------------------------ Checkout my pressure washing channel - ------------------------------------------------ Here are the mowers I use - ------------------------------------------------ Checkout my edger, trimmer, and blower here - ------------------------------------------------ Help support me by getting a shirt - ------------------------------------------------ Support me on Patreon - ------------------------------------------------ Interested in working with me? -
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2023-10-29 426,325 33,730 2,505 (all,#22)  (USA,#22)