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Happy Birthday Ari!
1.2M 99K 39K 12:00
Happy Birthday Ari!
  • Published_at:2017-05-06
  • Category:Film & Animation
  • Channel:Jaiden Animations
  • tags: jaiden animations jaidenanimation jaidenanimations ari jaiden animation ari ari jaiden animation ari's birthday aris birthday jaiden animation aris birthday jaidenanimation happy birthday ari surprise birthday party dragonfruit green cheek conure turquoise green cheek conure
  • description: i'm the best mom ever ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SUBSCRIBE for more animations! MERCH: TWITTER: INSTAGRAM: DEVIANTART: Behind the Scenes: Wanna Send Fanart? You can send it to me through Twitter or DeviantArt (links above), however if you cannot send it through those methods, then you can email it to me through the email below. DISCLAIMER!! There will not be any notification showing that I have seen your art through this method. I highly suggest using the other two :) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Music: Wii Theme Music from Nintendo Afrikaan Beat by Bert Kaempfert Tomfoolery from Spongebob ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ And this tells me you read the description, which means you respect what I have to say! Thank you :D Ari gives you a "thanks for comin to my bday celebration" and a thumbs up minus thumbs because he doesnt have any
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2017-05-08 1,168,123 99,133 39,932 (Canada,#17)