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Humpback whale briefly takes kayaker into mouth before spitting him out
1.5M 2.5K 296 00:57
Humpback whale briefly takes kayaker into mouth before spitting him out
  • Published_at:2025-02-13
  • Category:News & Politics
  • Channel:Guardian News
  • tags: 2025 bahia al aguila chile chile whale chile whale kayak gdnpfpenvironment gdnpfpnewsworld guardian humpback whale humpback whale kayak kayak kayaker eaten by whale kayaker swallowed by whale magellan strait marine life news pacific ocean pinocchio sea whale whale eats kayak whale eats kayaker whale eats man whale eats person whale swallows kayak whale swallows kayaker whale swallows man whale swallows person whale eats man and spits him out patagonia wail
  • description: Adrián Simancas was kayaking in Bahía El Águila in the strait of Magellan when the whale engulfed him and his yellow kayak for a few seconds before letting him go. He was unharmed. Simancas's father, Dell, who was kayaking with him, recorded the incident Subscribe to Guardian News on YouTube ► Just a fluke: whale briefly swallows kayaker in incident captured on camera ► The Guardian publishes independent journalism, made possible by supporters. Contribute to The Guardian today ► Sign up to the Guardian's free new daily newsletter, First Edition ► Website ► Facebook ► Instagram ► The Guardian on YouTube: The Guardian ► Guardian Australia ► Guardian Football ► Guardian Sport ► It's Complicated ► Guardian Live ► #humpbackwhale #whale #kayaker #kayak #whaleswallowskayaker #chile
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