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Hextech Chests, Rewards & More | Dev Update - League of Legends
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Hextech Chests, Rewards & More | Dev Update - League of Legends
  • Published_at:2025-02-26
  • Category:Gaming
  • Channel:League of Legends
  • tags: Riot Games Riot League of Legends League LoL MOBA Dev update league of legends lol hextech chests Exalted skins Mordekaiser blue essence battle pass
  • description: Pabro and Meddler talk about how we’re bringing back Hextech Chests, some updates to Honor, reductions in Blue Essence champion prices, Exalted skin quality, changes to the Battle Passes, Clash, and more. Timestamps: Intro: 0:00 Hextech Chests: 0:40 Champ Acquisition: 2:01 Skins: 2:30 Clash: 3:05 Emporium & Your Shop: 3:38 Outro: 3:53
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