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Project: Playtime - Official Gameplay Trailer
2.5M 103K 7.8K 01:02
Project: Playtime - Official Gameplay Trailer
  • Published_at:2022-11-25
  • Category:People & Blogs
  • Channel:Mob Entertainment
  • tags:
  • description: WISHLIST NOW : JOIN THE POPPY PLAYTIME DISCORD: PROJECT: PLAYTIME is a multiplayer horror game where six players attempt to create one giant toy while surviving a terrifying monster that roams the toy factory. A seventh player controls the monster and is given only one goal: Find and kill everyone. Follow the game:
ranked in date views likes Comments ranked in country (#position)
2022-11-27 1,383,645 80,322 6,309 (all,#9)  (Brazil,#7)  (United Kingdom,#25)  (Mexico,#5)  (USA,#9) 
2022-11-28 2,535,154 103,643 7,751 (Brazil,#27)  (Mexico,#20)